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MCR-BV Offers High Accuracy Precision for Large-Part Machining
CHARLOTTE, N.C. , Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The leadership team of Okuma America Corporation is excited to announce the debut of a new double-column machining center (DCMC). This new machine – the MCR-BV - is the seventh machine offered in the company's double-column machine line-up.
Designed as a machine for 5-face machining applications, the MCR-BV is also capable of 5-axis contouring as well as 5-sided heavy milling applications. These heavy-duty applications are made possible through features such as a powerful integral motor and spindle, an expanded work envelope, and a very rigid table which is 30% thicker than previous models, all of which is ideal for large-part machining. An abundant range of attachment heads are compatible with the machine, allowing for a wide range of unique part shapes to be created, as well as many multitasking machining functions to be performed.
Additional machine features include a fast automatic tool changer (ATC) and a smaller, faster auto attachment changer (AAC), both of which allow this DCMC to greatly increase productivity while performing heavy cutting or high-accuracy finishing.
Key Specs of the MCR-BV Double-Column Machining Center:
2,000 x 4,000 (78.74 x 157.48) to 3,000 x 12,000 (118.11 x 472.44)
For more information on Okuma's new MCR-BV Double-column Machining Center, visit: https://www.okuma.com/products/mcr-bv.
About Okuma America Corporation Okuma America Corporation is the U.S.-based sales and service affiliate of Okuma Corporation, a world-leading builder of CNC (computer numeric control) machine tools, controls and automation systems. The company was founded in 1898 in Nagoya, Japan , and is the industry's only single-source provider of CNC machines, drives, motors, encoders, spindles and automation systems, all manufactured by Okuma. The company designs its own CNC controls to integrate seamlessly with each machine tool's functionality. In 2014 Okuma launched the Okuma App Store, the industry's only centralized online marketplace for machine tool apps and related content. Along with its extensive distribution network (largest in the Americas), and Partners in THINC network of enhanced manufacturing technologies, Okuma is committed to helping users gain competitive advantage through the open possibilities of machine tools today and into the future. For more information, visit Okuma.com or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
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